
Household, Paper, Utility & Tailor Scissors

Household Scissors: - Our range of Household Scissors are hand crafted in high quality Stainless Steel and are precise for multi purposes such as to cut light weight materials like paper, light cardboard, fabric, string and ribbon etc.

Tailor Scissors: - Our professional Tailor Scissors are hand crafted in high quality Forged & Casted versions of stainless steel. Their high quality stainless steel blades with adjustable tension nut ensure the long lasting cutting performance. These Scissors are perfect for cutting fabrics, cording, plastics, rubber and leather etc and also intended for heavier applications such as upholstery or on production lines where longer cuts and greater strength are needed.

  • Available in different finish like Polish, Satin, Sand Blast, Nickel & Titanium coated.
  • Available in different Packaging on customer’s demand.